

Senior Partner Consultant

Risen from Rank and File started as a front line Sales Representative with MRF Tyres then did front line sales roles with Nestle / Smithkline / Wipro / Cargill / Pepsico . Since 2005 had been into Business Development roles launching new brands in new geographies started with Launching Tang in South Asia followed by Brut and Denim in Middle East and North Africa then Lego in South Asia and South East Asia then Corelle in South Asia .

Started Tang Business from Scratch in India created Infra on ground in 70 plus cities and in 5 years grew the business from o to 4500 Tons or 100 Cror in cost to consumer . Similiarly launched Shelf Stable Cheese in Srilanka and Toblerone in Maladives .

Created Route to Market in India for Lego Toys building Business from scratch launched My First Lego campaign in India which was replicated globally later the business grew to a level where Lego opened its own subsidiary in India employing some 16 people vs one indiviual which was me in Singapore .